How cool is that ?

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OFcaurse that was IT specialists...who could do it better ? :D


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NEVER do this!

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The best goals of the week!

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There are some serious moments tho...

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With this technology we can live without any restrictions !

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 Isn't she cute ?

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Awesome kiddies, Watville Primary School Sing Iron Maiden Flight Of Icarus

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Can you find the second man on the right side  ?

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Arab League foreign ministers are meeting to discuss a draft resolution rejecting foreign military intervention in Libya. They held a minutes' silence to remember "martyrs" of reform in the Arab world.

At the scene:

John Simpson BBC News, Ajdabiya

According to someone I spoke to by

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Forces loyal to the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi are moving into rebel territory in the east, capturing an oil installation in the town of Brega.

The manager of the installation said they took control at dawn without using force, but rebel forces later said they had regained control of the town. Pro-Gaddafi jets also bombed an arms dump in the nearby city of Ajdabiya.

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The Virtual Sports Academy's Bruce Dick demonstrates, with young people, some basic basketball drills to help them to learn how to handle and to pass the basketball properly.

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It's not an official sport event and it will probably never be considered for the Olympics, but the growing popularity of Rubber Doll White-Water rafting in Russia saw the fourth annual contest staged near St.Petersburg. The event, better known as the 'Bubble Baba Challenge', is the highlight of the novelty watersports season in Russia, and was held over a testing one kilometre course near St.

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Artscape - Beautiful Agony - A singular portrait, made up of many faces, which delves into the private and public worlds of sexuality. A film by Adele Wlikes shown on ABC TV Australia 15. 2. 2011. Part 2

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Artscape - Beautiful Agony - A singular portrait, made up of many faces, which delves into the private and public worlds of sexuality. A film by Adele Wlikes shown on ABC TV Australia 15. 2. 2011. Part 1

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The closeout drill will enable you to guard both drives and midrange shots in a game. Learn the closeout drill in this free basketball video.

Expert: Curtis Carter
Bio: Curtis Carter has worked at the (NAIA) Myers University Spring Basketball Camp for kids in Cleveland, Ohio.
Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

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Drills and tips for youth basketball.

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Better Ball Handling with basketball drills from Advanced Basketball Trainer Ganon Baker. Ganon Baker's Basketball School From the Preps to the Pros Ball Handling DVD to become a better basketball player.

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