With one truly amazing point scored on a behind-the-back shot, this ping pong pro became the closest thing the sport has to a Michael Jordan (at least that's what he tells himself).

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Zoltan Torkos performed the first ever kickflip on a surfboard at a Volcom-sponsored contest. When asked for a comment, random passers-by said "A who pulled a what on a where?"

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That one kick was really fast, the second fighter is KOed

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Celebrity trainer Craig Ramsay shows you how to tone up using only your hotel room furniture and a pair of one-gallon water jugs.

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A massive pillow fight erupted during halftime at this New Mexico State/Utah State basketball game. The basketball players got to watch the students take a beating, for a change of pace.

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The best goals of the week!

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The Virtual Sports Academy's Bruce Dick demonstrates, with young people, some basic basketball drills to help them to learn how to handle and to pass the basketball properly.

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The closeout drill will enable you to guard both drives and midrange shots in a game. Learn the closeout drill in this free basketball video.

Expert: Curtis Carter
Bio: Curtis Carter has worked at the (NAIA) Myers University Spring Basketball Camp for kids in Cleveland, Ohio.
Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

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Drills and tips for youth basketball.

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Better Ball Handling with basketball drills from Advanced Basketball Trainer Ganon Baker. Ganon Baker's Basketball School From the Preps to the Pros Ball Handling DVD to become a better basketball player.

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In basketball, the 12 inch dribble drill can improve your ball handling and dribbling skills.Get expert tips and advice on basketball drills, skills, and rules in this free video.

Expert: Curtis Carter
Bio: Curtis Carter has worked at the (NAIA) Myers University Spring Basketball Camp for kids in Cleveland, Ohio.
Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

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The left and right basketball drill improves you ball handling skills in both hands. Get expert tips and advice on basketball drills, skills, and rules in this free video.

Expert: Curtis Carter
Bio: Curtis Carter has worked at the (NAIA) Myers University Spring Basketball Camp for kids in Cleveland, Ohio.
Filmmaker: Nili Nathan

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Mr. C. (Harold Christensen) works with a multi-age group of children ages 5-16 in teaching different dribbling drills. He includes having them watch to see the number of fingers he has raised (which teaches them to keep their heads up), dribbling fast and slow, dribbling softer and harder, then they work on moving the ball around in a variety of different ways. A variety of different levels of

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Common mistakes when dribbling a basketball include dribbling too high and dribbling too low. Learn about practicing fundamentals in order to avoid dribbling mistakes with help from a basketball trainer in this free video on basketball dribbling and ball handling.

Expert: Travis Corpening
Bio: Travis Corpening is a basketball trainer with Cape Fear Community College, and founde

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Recorded on January 20, 2011

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An old dunk in Aris Glyfadas basketball stadium

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@Shibya Tokyo, Japan 20110226

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UFC Knockouts

Posted by barisaxgod 5098 days ago (http://www.youtube.com)

Rob Zombie - Dragula , UFC most interesting moments

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Eddie Jackson of Legends MMA Training Center (Los Angeles) shows you how. For more great advice, visit http://www.MadeMan.com

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