Blazer-face likes to play fetch! It looks like this cat had to be a dog :)

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These kids pull off an elaborate prank, tricking their mom into thinking the house is on fire. Psychological trauma-- the mother's day gift that keeps on giving. - by

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"Note that I am just a student and this translation might make a real professional translator cringe. "

This tries to explain the situation at the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors in Japan following the 11/3/11 Earthquake/Tsunami in the Tohoku Region and combat sensationalist/fear-mongering news stories.

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Japan's nuclear crisis spurred German Chancellor Angela Merkel to pledge a faster shift from nuclear power on Thursday and seemed to thwart Italy's plans to reintroduce atomic energy.

Several other European nations, from Finland to Switzerland, have turned more skeptical about nuclear energy after Friday's earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima plant in the world's worst nuclear

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The Obama administration was readying plans to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya with the help of Arab countries, officials said Thursday as the United Nations Security Council voted to authorize the move.

TOBRUK, Libya (AP) — The U.N. Security Council on Thursday authorized "all necessary measures" to stop Moammar Gadhafi in Libya&mda

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This girl's recital of Boom Boom Boom makes me want to go back to the 90s and stop the original performers from recording this song, all in the name of preventing this present day atrocity.

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Radiation Set to Make Land Fall in T Minus 24 Hours, Southern California 

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Japan earthquake: Japan warned over nuclear plants, WikiLeaks cables show Japan was warned more than two years ago by the international nuclear watchdog that its nuclear power plants were not capable of withstanding powerful earthquakes, leaked diplomatic cables reveal.

Evacuees are screened for radiation contamination at a testing center in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture 

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Someone helped themselves to the kitty Cat treats while I was out!! Lets see.....hmmmmmmm Who is guilty dog here?

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Alex Jones of talks to Pharmacist Dr, Ben Fuchs about using Iodide for Japan fallout.As people rush for Iodide thinking it will protect them, they are wrong, Iodide can only partially protect you. It can even make you sick if you take too much. Learn the multifaceted way you can and should protect yourself through whole body nutrition.

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Here I make potassium iodide from elemental iodine and potassium hydroxide. 3I2 + 6KOH == 5KI + KIO3 + 3H2O The coproduct of potassium iodate can be separated easily because it is far less soluble in water, and to ensure it was all precipitated out I immersed the solution in an ice bath. This video is a good demonstration of how things really go when you do chemistry yourself. You start with a

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BioWare released a 16-minute whopper of a video at this year's PAX East, providing us with a detailed walkthrough of Star Wars: The Old Republic's Taral V Flashpoint.

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Choose your side and fight for the fate of the galaxy.

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Time square video screens hacked! Howto.

From author: the way it works is pretty simple: plug in transmitter into the iphone 4 and play back any video clip through the ipod feature or through the camera roll. the transmitter instantly sends the video signal to the video repeater and the video repeater overrides any video screen that it's being held next to it. i chose times square for

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World is going crazy ! Stay tuned!

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March 13th 2011

This is the complete version of the Alex Jones show from March 13th!

In this Sunday edition, Alex brings you live updates on the emergency in Japan following the meltdown of one of its nuclear power plants and the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and tsunami.

INFOWARS IS TRACKING the aftershocks, the risk of further plant failures, the f

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Is that an UFO ?

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It seems like the situation is just getting worse and worse with every hour... stay tuned.

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Alex also talks with trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente. Alex covers other important news and takes your calls.

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This guy claims to use an Iphone 4 with a video transmitter to take over nearby video screens. Six months until Android phones do the same thing but with less style.

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